Welcome to the world as I see it. You might be caged by the limitations created by your mind. You might be one of those who have no reason to live anymore. You might be among those who think nothing good can still come their ways. You might even be so frustrated and maybe, depressed at the moment. You might be drowned by the opinion of people about you. 

I have a different opinion about you! Yes, I said it. You can’t be limited by anyone or anything. You can only be limited by your own mind. You are created to win and succeed. You also have the choice to fail. The problem is that you are letting people and the things around you decide your fate. You need to understand that “a great mind thinks great things”. You are here because you are still alive. That is the only prequisite for success. Yes, that is correct. If you are alive, you have opportunities.

You can’t waste what is on the inside of you because of what you see on the outside. You are suffocating your greatness. Let it loose. Stop being under external control of men and women around you. Stop being captured by the insinuations, rejections, unbeliefs, and suppressions of those and things around you. You are the only one to decide about you. You are the one that should have the greatest and best opinion about you.

Learn not to blame anyone about your failure or success. You are the choice maker here. It might sound crazy but the truth is that the people you are blaming don’t even have the power to make you fail in the first place. Instead of spending your time blaming and regretting, recondition yourself by tuning your mindset. You have success in you. You can’t fail if you don’t want to. Don’t let no one tell you “you had your chance or chances”. You still have chances. Yes, stop blaming yourself. Get into your mind and make something happen. Except from “The Big You by Miracle Okorie”.